Welcome to the 2025 Registration Page!
Dear Camper,
We are excited to be doing camp again this year!
As always, we are limited in space and rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. If a room is available and you reserve it, consider it yours! However, please be courteous of others and let me know ASAP if you are not going to make it. Also there may be some changes to reservations based on demographics in a cabin to keep families with kids together. If this happens, I try very hard to keep you in the same type of cabin you originally reserved.
Due to issues in the past with communication, I am asking that you only reserve a room for you and your immediate family (spouse/kids). If you want to make sure you are in a cabin with another family, contact them and coordinate registration, but do not enroll them yourselves!
Please begin by selecting the dates to the left for which you plan on staying at camp.
In Christ,
Josh Hurley
Camp Registrar
We are excited to be doing camp again this year!
As always, we are limited in space and rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. If a room is available and you reserve it, consider it yours! However, please be courteous of others and let me know ASAP if you are not going to make it. Also there may be some changes to reservations based on demographics in a cabin to keep families with kids together. If this happens, I try very hard to keep you in the same type of cabin you originally reserved.
Due to issues in the past with communication, I am asking that you only reserve a room for you and your immediate family (spouse/kids). If you want to make sure you are in a cabin with another family, contact them and coordinate registration, but do not enroll them yourselves!

In Christ,
Josh Hurley
Camp Registrar